In the late 70s and early 80s, George Lullfitz appeared regularly on television, showcasing the best of WA's native flora for our Perth gardens. Here, he inspires gardeners throughout the seasons on how to plant, prune, and choose from what is available to suit your local garden.

Although the fashion may have dated, the information has not. Please enjoy and receive inspiration from the beauty of our local flora, and from George's ongoing efforts to promote their application in a range of situations and soil types.


Episode One

In this episode, George discusses Eucalypts of varying heights for many situations and soil types, including examples for limestone, clay and gravel.

Species of Eucalypts mentioned are : E.erythrocorys, E.woodwardii, E.tetraptera, E.preissiana, E.crucis, E.rhodantha, E.spathulata, E.ficifolia.


Episode Two

In this episode, George discusses planting, pruning and vase-picking a range of Winter/Spring flowering plants, with an example of combination-planting for a range of heights and full effect.

Varieties mentioned are Kunzea pulchella, Grevillea thelemanniana, Hypocalymma robustum 'Pink Myrtle', Hakea francisiana, Billardiera erubescens, Dryandra nobilis.


Episode Three

In this episode, George shows a colourful flowering display at a Summertime onsite Nursery Wildflower Show.

Varieties mentioned are: Calytrix, Melaleucas, Banksias, Adenanthos, Eremea, Nuytsia floribunda 'WA Christmas Tree', Verticordias, Kangaroo Paws, Hemiandra pungens.


Episode Four

Here George presents native plant varieties from a Wildflower Show he created for a mass display of inspiration and colour.

Featuring: Eucalyptus torquata 'Coral Gum', Euc. erythronema, Euc. macrocarpa 'Rose of the West', Euc. macrocarpa 'Mottlecah' and pruning Mottlecah.

Propogate Verticordias in Summer.

Regelia velutina (does not flower in sand - same as Banksia coccinea), Melaleuca huegellii 2-3m height.  Melaleucas are versatile.

Sturt Peas.  Pink Kangaroo Paw - Anigozanthos flavidus Pink Joey. Sholtzia involucrata. Hemiandra pungens. Melaleuca nesophila (pruning). Wedding Bush. Red Flowering Gum.  Zamia Palm.  Zanthorrea preissii.


Episode Five

In this episode, George discusses Summer planting with a focus on Eucalypts ('Gum Trees') and Kangaroo Paws.  Other varieties he covers are: Banksias - B. prionotes, B. victorii, B. burdetti, B. hookeriana, B. baxterii, Eucalyptus erythrocorys 'Illyarrie', Euc. ficifolia 'Red Flowering Gum', Scaevola striata, Hemiandra pungens - a vigorous and drought tolerant ground cover, and Verticordia nitens.


Episode Six

In this episode, George discusses mid to late Summer flowering varieties, and cuttings.  Banksia media (2-3m, flowers nearly 6 months, all soils), Grevillea 'Robyn Gordon' (1m x 2-3m, from Qld, flowers all year) + pruning, Beaufortia squarrosa, Calytrix fraserii, Euc. krueseana - for attractive foliage, Billardiera pictus. 


Episode Eight

Autumn first rains being a good time to plant & sow seeds.

In this (Mother's Day!) Autumn/Winter episode, George discusses sowing seed of Everlastings.

For Autumn colour and foliage variety: Eucalyptus caesia 'Silver Princess', Kunzea baxterii, Acacia graphiana, Acacia iteaphylla, Melaleuca quinquenervia, Cassia artemisioides, Banksia ashbyi.


Episode Nine

Seaside gardens: Salt winds and beach sand.

In this episode, George covers a good selection of plants on the beach flowering throughout winter.

Trees: Cas.equisetifolia 'Shingle Oak', Eucalyptus erythrocorys 'Illyarrie'.

A combination of Autumn to winter flowering varieties: Mel. heugelii 'Chenille Honey Myrtle', Templetonia retusa 'Cockie's Tongue', Acacia pulchella, Hardenbergia comptoniana 'Native Wisteria', Olearia axillare, Grevillea crithmifolia, Pimelia ferruginea, Grevillea thelemaniana, Kennedia nigricans.


Episode Ten

In this episode, George presents a studio display of Native Plants in tubs. Featuring: Agonis flexuosa 'Dwarf Peppermint', Thryptomene saxicola, Grevillea 'Robyn Gordon' - pruning, Grevillea thelemaniana, Grevillea obtusifolia, Kunzea baxterii, Hypocalymma cordifolium, Callitris preissii 'Rottnest Island Pine', Zanthorrea preissii.


Episode Eleven

In this episode, George dicusses some colourful West Australian Spring flowering varieties - including drying Everlastings (Heliptrum roseum), Wattles: Acacia lasiocarpa, Acacia truncata, Hardenbergia comptoniana - purple, white, pink, Boronia, Grevillea thelemaniana, Isopogan formosus, Grevillea nudiflora, Grevillea biternata, and Kunzea pulchella.


Episode Twelve

Springtime wildflowers

Eremophila (nivea), Verticordia chrysanthella, Grevillea hookerana, Grevillea crithmifolia, Chamelaucium floriferum 'Walpole Wax' - all soils, Kunzea pauciflora, Macropidia fuliginosa - inkspot, Calothamnus villosus, Darwinia meeboldi and leiostyla (summer watering), range of Chamelaucium 'waxes' - University, Dowell, Purple Pride - prune hard.


Episode Thirteen

Mid-winter flower selection

Templetonia retusa - winter flowers.  Limestone.  Kunzea Baxteri - all soils including heavy soil. Thryptomene saxicola, Thryptomene denticulata, Thryptomene hypohytis, Hakeas - bucculenta, francissiana, multilineata, orthoryncha, victoriae (heavy soil), Melaleuca scabra.


Episode Fourteen

This episode covers Winter flowering varieties, with George showing colourful native flowers are available year-round.

Kunzea pulchella - green foliage and cerise flowering form. Guuchinotia macrantha - can be grown in shade. Melaleuca nematophylla - can be pruned hard.  Osmocote can be used.  Isopogon latifolius, Eucalyptus caesia 'Silver Princess', Euc. kruseana, Grev. drummondii, Darwinia citriodora.


Episode Fifteen

George offers another generous, inspiring and colourful display of native flowering varieties in a Flower Show presentation at Lullfitz Nursery.

Red & Green Kangaroo Paw, tree Smokebush - flowers dry well, Black Kangaroo
Paw: how to pick them - they will dry as well.  Blue Lechenaultia, everlastings, Buttercup Hibbertia, Chorizema, Eremophila (nivea), Hovea pungens - plant in northerly aspect, plant Boronia in southerly aspect - shady.  Boronia megastigma, brown + yellow.  Boronia can be planted 6 inch deeper than soil.  Chamelaucium - white, Dowell selection, Purple Pride, Munns selection... keep pruning waxes.  Verticordia chrysantha, mitchelliana, Eriostemon spicatus.  Callistemons and Kunzeas.


Episode Sixteen

In this episode, George presents an onsite example of Complimentary plants for a Rockery in the Garden. Including: Blue Lechenaultia - plant deep.  They do sucker, water in well. Red lechenaultia, Wreath Lechenaultia, Dampiera (Blue Eyes), Red and Green Kangaroo Paw - plant more than one! Verticordia - yellow. Use moss rocks and sleepers. Darwinia grows naturally in rocks. Walpole Wax, Erempohila nivea, Darwinia meboldi, Acacia congesta - these are spring flowering, but also plant summer flowering plants. Chorizema.